Holly Revell is an artist photographer who makes collaborative portraits with fellow queer folk exploring transforming identities.
They self-published their photo-book, ‘People Like Us’; a 7-year project exploring trans, non-binary and GNC (gender non-conforming) identities and experience, in December 2024. A zine featuring a series of portraits and quotes from the project was commissioned by Shout Queer Arts Festival in 2020.
Other notable projects include 'DARKROOM'; photo-booth installations at art & club events (2010-14), ‘Transformations’, photos made with performers reflecting the transition from drag to self in one long-exposure (2016), ‘David Hoyle: Parallel Universe’ (photo-book 2017) & DARC (documentation action research collective 2016-19).
Holly has made a significant contribution to the documentation of queer performance and its icons in London, creating a record of a specific movement and the community surrounding it, which is archived at Bishopsgate Institute.
For bookings, commissions and collaborations please email: hollyrev@hotmail.co.uk
Follow: @hollyrevellphotography
Testimonials: People often arrive for a shoot feeling a little nervous but I’m very proud to say they generally leave feeling liberated and fulfilled. I’m always being told how comfortable I make people feel which is a great compliment and very important, there’s always a few laughs along the way too!
“You have such a beautiful eye and are always a safe pair of hands in the creative process.” Dex
“Thanks again for such a wonderful shoot – the joy and warmth of the day really shines through in the photos.” Canva
“I just wanted to say an enormous thank you for such a fabulous day and bringing everything together and to life better then I ever could have hoped for. I know everyone felt so comfortable and really enjoyed working with you.” Sahaya - Hostile Decadent
“I really enjoyed our photo session! I remember at first years ago being super shy and uncomfortable and now I love having my photo taken by you haha.” Leo
“Holly Revell's magic camera has made me look as hot as hell, so thanks for that!” Kay
“The feedback from everyone who participated was so overwhelmingly positive - really appreciate the vibe you created on set.” Canva
“We can’t think of anyone better to do this work. We were so happy with the photos you did for us at TF. It’s hard to find a photographer who can anticipate and catch actions in a longer performance. You have the experience, skill and sensitivity to do this, you can read the unfolding dynamics and so frame the shot that tells the story, which is totally invaluable to documenting performance. And your ability to do this is also because you understand and enjoy that people are complex and diverse.” Weeks and Whitford
“Just look at Mo Terboat. And it's all down to the brilliant @hollyrevellphotography for making Mo so relaxed and capturing his chemistry with life.“ Jen
“The richness of the quality of the photos last year played a large part in why they were picked up and used by so many.” PR company
Exhibitions, Talks, Events, Initiatives, Publications
People Like Us – Book Launch – Queercircle
Calling the Shots: A Queer History of Photography (Victoria and Albert Museum) - Thames & Hudson
Podcast – A Photographic Life – Episode 314 - What Does Photography mean to you?
People Like Us – Kickstarter Campaign Launch – The Common Press
Portrait of Britain Volume 6 – The British Journal of Photography
Madame F Queer Britain Art Award - Top 10 Finalist
Club Legends – Exhibition - The Royal Court Theatre, London
People Like Us - The Photobook Club at the Royal Photographic Society, Bristol - Talk
People Like Us An Evening of Revellry - The Glory, London - Cabaret and Exhibition
People Like Us #ladsladslads – Live Shoot Performance - Duckie ‘Straight Pride’ – Royal Vauxhall Tavern, London
Out and About - Archiving LGBTQ+ history at Bishopsgate Institute – Group Exhibition - Barbican, London
Photo Café – Grain Projects - Online Talk
People Like Us - Workshop and Exhibition - Shout Queer Arts Festival, Birmingham
People Like Us - Live Shoot Performance - Duckie Gay Shame - Royal Vauxhall Tavern, London
You Otta Know Zine - Feature
‘Queers and Co’ - Gem Kennedy Podcast Interview
Trans Talks – Holly Revell in Conversation - Shout Queer Arts Festival, Birmingham (online)
People Like Us - Zinel.co.uk/shop/people-like-us-a-work-in-progress-zine Commission - Shout Queer Arts Festival, Birmingham
Scottee and Friends: An Uncomfortable Relationship with Masculinity - The Barbican - London
Queer Art(its) Now - group exhibition - Archive Gallery, Rose Lipman Building, Haggerston
The Salon - Group Exhibition - The Wing London
Louche Magazine - Feature - ‘Transformations’
Lesley Magazine Launch - Group Exhibition - The Horse Hospital
Holly Revell Archive Launch - Bishopsgate Institute
Queer Art(its) Now - Group Exhibition - And What? Queer Arts Festival, Archive Gallery, Rose Lipman Building, London
VFD10 Punish the Streets - Group Exhibition at New Arts Projects Gallery, Hackney
Queer Art(its) Now - group exhibition at Archive Gallery, Rose Lipman Building, Haggerston, London
Nando Messias - Art and the Self: What did Narcissus see? LADA (Live Art Development Agency) DIY workshop
DARC Transformance - LADA (Live Art Development Agency) DIY workshop
DARC Transformance - Tempting Failure
A queer anthology of Rage - work featured in a curated zine by Richard Dodwell
Over There: A queer anthology of Joy - work featured in a curated zine by Richard Dodwell
'David Hoyle: Parallel Universe' - book launch - Holly's first photo-book is released.
The Manchester Drag Symposium - talk about my work.
'DARC Sully night' - talk about my book.
'Recording Queer Histories' - talk about my book and window installation at VFD, Dalston.
'Not Here: A queer anthology of loneliness' - work featured in a curated zine by Richard Dodwell
'Queer Art(its) Now' - group exhibition at Archive Gallery, Haggerston.
'Photography on a postcard' - group exhibition at Printspace, Shoreditch
'Transformations' - solo exhibition at Limewharf and The Glory.
'The Regulars' - public exhibition in Gillet square, Dalston.
'Dalston Street Show' - work shown in Gillet Square and at Dalston Superstore as part of Photomonth.
'WE R' - Gay Pride group exhibition at Espacio Gallery in Bethnal Green.
D.A.R.C. (documentary action research collective) pilot - Arts Council funded. "DARC is a collective of artists who work in different media creating documentation and promotional material for artists. We believe that the documentation ofartist's work is not just an act of preservation, but a creative act in itself. We consider our work a process of collaboration, a dialogue, a responsibility and an art form of its own."
Forensic Identity – Wellcome Collection – a series of workshops I facilitated with A level students resulting in an exhibition at the Wellcome.
Numerous contributions to QX magazine including a front cover.
Sin in my Heart – group exhibition – Manchester Kraak gallery and the Bunker, London.
Imaging Performance – a series of workshops resulting in a Friday late presentation at the British Museum.
2013 and beyond
DARKROOM photo-booth workshops and installations in galleries and venues inc. The Barbican, A-side B-side Gallery, Act Art, The Green Carnation, Hot August Fringe at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, David Hoyle's Slurry, Winter Warmer and Lives, Naked Boys Reading at Vogue Fabrics and Ace Hotel, Wotever World's Christmas Bazaar, Lolo Brow's Cabaret Derangium...
Published photographs in a number of issues of 'Flip' magazine; published by London Independent Photography
Published photographs in 'The mammoth book of gorgeous guys'; published by Constable and Robinson