Another week another DIY - this time I was assisting Nando Messias on their DIY workshop ‘Narcissism’ at the Freud Museum with another amazing group of artists. What’s so great about these LADA (Live Art Development Agency) DIYs is the coming together of artists who you might be aware of or might never have heard off spending quality time together, making, creating and discussing.
Day 1 of the workshop included a seminar on narcissism led by psychoanalyst Tamar Schonfield, a discussion on the intersections between art and narcissism, including 'selfie' culture, a survey of self-portraiture in photography sharing inspirations and some drawing exercises.
Day 2 was all about the participants making their own individual self-portraits with my assistance which was like a photo-shoot mini-marathon!
And then we made an image together and I got to be a narcissist too!
Augusto took it further and created this.
And then we made ourselves edible for the DIY picnic with this cake!