It's been a busy year for me with my freelance cabaret and performance photography work, and in developing some personal projects ready for fruition and exhibition next year, so why not have a look back at some of the highlights!
I was very proud to do the promotional imagery and videos for Scottee's Hamburger Queen - the final season.
and of course to document the show for the third year running both in pictures and in video.
I have made numerous videos for Scottee this year so have set up a playlist just for them
So happy to be part of Scottee Inc. and his Hamburger Queen family!
![HBQ family grid](
I continued my work as the official photographer for Duckie's major events which has been a blast and Duckie are wonderful to work for!
I met CHRISTEENE and fell head over heals in love with her and those ponies!!
But she fell in love with David and they got married at Vogue(waye) Fabrics!
However, I was their wedding photographer and videographer!
I was in a fantastic group exhibition called Sin in My Heart which was curated by 'two little birds' Paul Darling and Peter Gwyn and I was proud to be exhibiting alongside David Hoyle, Lee Baxter, Jamie McLeod, Matthew Straddling and many more... we showed in Manchester and in London
as well as having work on the wall, I had my DARKROOM installation which was a huge success, making lots of new friends and collaborators in this intimate setting...
Here's a video of the space we had in London
The Edinburgh Festival is always a treat of course!
Working with Scottee and his gang at Bestival has been a highlight of my year for 3 years running now!
I have also been shooting more for LADA and their events and shows such as Steakhouse Live and their charity auction...
This led me to discovering LADA's DIY initiative and I participated in an intense 4 day workshop with Live Art Photographer extraordinaire Manuel Vason called 'The Photo Performer' - OMG how could I have not have done this workshop - it was so good to meet like minded people who exist somewhere between performance and photography like me... it was both physical and theoretical and just what I needed in terms of taking my performance documentary work further, contextualising it and reconfirming its validity and importance... next year is looking to be very exciting in terms of taking this forward and collaborating with others...
I also did a 3 day workshop with Anders Peterson which was equally fantastic - he is a master and was so generous in what he gave us - it was a weekend of pure photo indulgence! I had a portfolio review which has given me the confidence to complete a couple of projects I had ongoing and plan for exhibition next year, I was also given invaluable advice on a longer term book project which I knew needed to get deeper - I am so excited about executing this work in the new year!!
Shooting David Hoyle's London shows is an ongoing pleasure and obsession!
'Still Life'
'Illustration' RVT
'I Victim' Chelsea Theatre
... and this has led to an intimate relationship back stage where David has given me full access to document him pre-show, post-show and in the intervals during his shows - we are working on making a book with these images and some other stuff from the 'Parallel Universe'.
I created a 'Living picture' at the RVT during one of David's shows - a photographic installation mirroring the stage with our own platform opposite where the audience could join in and create pictures with my beautiful assistants Zachariah Fletcher and Alfie Ordinary... a lit variation of my DARKROOM...
...when Pippa Dee stripped off and joined the picture she cmpletely and deservedly stole the show!!
I have shot so many wonderful artists this year and seen some amazing shows - I love working with these people and really enjoy the role I play in the community and the connection the camera helps to enable with other artists... a few of many here...
Borgeoise and Maurice
Ben Walter's eclectic variety show 'Come with me if you want to Live'
So I am now working to finish a few projects ready for exhibition Easter time... and am looking for venues - please get in touch if you have any ideas!!
'Boy with...' is a series of pictures based on old master paintings of 'girls with ... ' something such as Vermeer's 'girl with a pearl earing'
![boy with fur 3(eye-lighten)](
'TRANSformations' features drag artists and the transition back to their original self all in one shot...
'Performance Portraits' capture the essence of a full performance or concept in 1 image.
Thanks so much for joining me in my look back - it's been a FANTASTIC year and I am very excited about 2015!! Stay with me if you like pictures like these!!
Last night I was of course with Scottee at his ultimate NYE party CAMP and look here he is - Eeeeek I have an edit to do now so best be off ... no rest for the wicked!!