One of my favourite jobs this year has been to mentor Leo Skilbeck from Milk Presents; a theatre group I have worked with on a few promotional images in the past. This time my role was to mentor them in producing a photography exhibition for their new show Bullish which addresses Trans-masculine identities in a fresh and original way.
Lucy Jane Parkinson
"BULLISH pits ancient mythology against modern gender navigation to furiously disrupt, traverse and rewrite the rule book. Stepping into the ring with a gender fierce ensemble of hopers and renegades, BULLISH is a story about packing, passing, and gambling your way out of the labyrinth." Milk Presents
The job involved some technical training and collaborating on a concept for the shows themes. We wanted to show the performers in a positive light with a feeling of being free, being powerful, being at one with themselves, of tranquility and peace.
Cairo Nevitt
On the day of the shoot I kinda became the lighting technician and creative director which was strange without a camera in my hand but very enjoyable and I'm really proud with what we achieved.
The show is running from now until the 30th Sept 2017 at The Camden People’s Theatre.