October 2017: I couldn't have wished for a more fabulous launch party, it really was epic! A lot or our wonderful crowd-funders appeared to grab their copies along with a variety of characters from the community and beyond. David and Nick read from the book before entering into a dialogue with me about the making of the book and our working relationship... I was slightly tongue tied and overwhelmed but I think I did ok! 

Its been non stop since the launch with admin for the crowdfunder (the price you pay for a successful one!), posting books, promotion, doing stalls at various events and further distribution... 

We've had some lovely press, some of which I've rounded up here.

ID: https://i-d.vice.com/en_uk/article/vb349b/the-parallel-universe-of-david-hoyle?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=dlvr.it

Run Riot: http://www.run-riot.com/articles/blogs/parallel-universe-holly-revell-photographing-and-collaborating-david-hoyle

Loverboy: http://www.loverboymagazine.com/david-hoyle-parallel-universe/

This is cabaret: http://www.thisiscabaret.com/david-hoyle-holly-revell-went-one-night-lasted-three-years/

Huck: http://www.huckmagazine.com/art-and-culture/print/david-hoyle-performance/ 

And David was a guest on radio 4's Loose Ends in November where both he and Clive Anderson mentioned the book! 

As well as my website and some pop up stalls I've managed to get the book into a number of prestigious book shops in London including Foyles, The Photographers Gallery, Gays the Word, Donlon Books, Bookseller Crow and LADA Unbound. Watch this space for further availability, I'm hoping to stretch beyond London in the new year. It is also available to view in the queer archives at Bishopsgate institute and LADA's (Live Art Development Agency) library. 

I love hearing people's comments on the book and seeing snaps of it in their homes!

" 'Being Photographed Shows That Someone Gives a Shit' is a quote from David Hoyle.... taken from a wonderful catalogue of beautiful, truthful and graphic portraits by the inspirational photography of Holly Revell. Parallel Universe' chronicles the life and times of one of the most outstanding, revolutionary and considerate (avant garde) performers that this country has ever had or will be likely to be emulated ever again, the One the Only David Hoyle.
To quote Dorian Black/Dusty Limits (in the book) 'If David Hoyle didn't exist we'd have to invent him. But hardly anyone has that kind of imagination'.
It's a rollercoaster of an insight to this remarkable, historical and most majestic of performance artists. Thank you Holly for your vision, brilliance and moving Portrayal.... and being a conduit into the avant-garde". Lenard Pink

"There is some great community in there with real friends of mine like Lois Keiden, Christeene, and Bougeoise and Maurice and other lovely people I don’t know well, It comes complete with many of David Hoyle's paintings. I am going to set it up on a book stand and have David’s paintings like a daily mantra ! Believe me you need this book! Parallel Universe. It is an all purpose oracle!" Penny Arcade

"Never had a coffee table book before. This shall replace ALL my furniture". Darren Etherington


So with over half of the limited edition sold, I wonder what 2018 will bring for the book? I plan to get it into university libraries, The British Library, more art institutions and shops outside of London... watch this space and THANK YOU to everyone who has supported us so far and or bought the book!!